Mahi Ready

Mahi Ready

Work Ready Programme

Preparing to succeed
Me Takutū, kia eke Tangaroa.

Mahi Ready is designed to empower the next generation of employees. Our goal is to deliver an innovative, up-to-date programme that equips whānau with essential mahi preparation tools. Additionally, we offer reintegration programmes that give whānau a competitive edge by refining their preparation and aligning their expectations for mahi.

We are committed to delivering top-quality outcomes by ensuring our clients and candidates are fully supported and well aligned on their employment journey.


To empower whānau with the confidence and skills needed to successfully transition into mahi. We provide the tools and resources necessary for immediate entry into the workforce.


Our goal is to equip employees with the knowledge and tools required to thrive in the workplace. We strive to foster a culture where candidates are encouraged to grow, develop, and reach their full potential.

Modules covered in the programme:

Mainu Huirama

Mere Nock

Mahi Ready Representatives

Our candidates say...